SHNU Student Wins First Prize at Chinese Education Skills Contest

07 May 2018

The Summer Camp of Chinese Language Education (Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai area) and 4th International Education Masters’ Teaching Skills Contest were held at Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) on April 21st. About 52 candidates of Overseas Chinese Language Education majors from 19 universities competed at the contest. Three students from SHNU International College of Chinese Studies won 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize. The 1st and 2nd prize winners would compete at the national final.


The SHNU candidates have practiced for one month in such fields as theme selection, education plans composition, PPT production, education concepts, quick responses and art skills display, etc. Sponsored by China National Hanban and General Quarters of Confucius Institute, the summer camp is one of the highest ranking Chinese language education skills of China.