International League of UCM Initiated

11 May 2018

UCM (Universitas Civic Moderna) was founded by four universities on May 3rd: SHNU, Liverpool John Moores University, and Southern Connecticut State University. It signals a new stage of SHNU international education development. This is the first time that SHNU has joined such a league as one of its organizers.


The SHNU Party Secretary Teng Jianyong attended the opening ceremony and the first peak conference at which he delivered the speech SHNU Talent Development and Social Service. The participants included presidents and vice presidents of the UCM member universities, as well as directors of human resources, academic affairs and international affairs of these universities.

The aims, missions, target and tasks of mid and short-term development, operation mechanism and the work in the next three years were discussed.

The 2nd peak conference would be held in SHNU next year. The SHNU Party Secretary Teng Jianyong also visited Universiti Brunei Darussalam and signed a five-year cooperative agreement with the university president Anita B Z Abdul Aziz.