University Presidents from France and Taiwan Promotes International Cooperation

11 May 2018

Recently, President of National Taiwan University of Arts (NTUA) and President of Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Techniques du Théâtre (ENSATT) visited SHNU to expand possibilities of international cooperation and exchanges in arts fields.

On May 3rd, SHNU President Zhu Ziqiang received Chen Zhicheng, President of NTUA, and expected that both sides could promote more chances of exchanges for arts majors. It is also agreed upon cooperation in developing talents of music education, especially those of folk music education, animations and multimedia, etc.

On May 5th, SHNU Vice President Jiang Mingjun signed interscholastic agreement with Thierry Pariente, President of ENSATT, signed a framework agreement of cooperation and hoped that

An international drama workshop could be founded to increase more opportunities of cultivating arts talents and establish a platform for exchanges in dramas between China and France.