2023 Chinese Language Bridge Online Exchange Program Held

19 Dec 2023

Sponsored by Center for Language Education and Cooperation affiliated to China Ministry of Education, the 2023 Chinese Bridge Online Exchange Program drew to an end on December 11th. It attracted 114 participants from Spain Austria, Venezuela, Argentina, Chili, Germany, and Mexico. This marks the third time that SHNU has sponsored such online teamwork programs after those cooperative ones with Japan and other southeastern nations. This program also involved representatives from SHNU Division of International Affairs, teachers representatives, students volunteers and learning camp members, etc.

Videos concerning highlight moments of learning camp have been reviewed at the closing ceremony. Besides, four sections were designed with the theme Your Encounter with Shanghai, including language curricula, online visit, cultural seminar, and students exchange.

The language courses would center on the transportation, foods and shopping to promote learners understanding of Shanghai peoples daily life. Each class would be provided with three teachers and three assistants.

The Chinese cultural seminar claimed five topics: Shanghai urban development, Shanghai intangible cultural heritage, Chinese folk music appreciation, Taiji and traditional culture and glamour of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine).

At Online Visit, the learners were shown around such Shanghai landmarks as Nanjing Road, Yuyuan Garden and the Bunds before they shared the landscapes and customs of their own hometowns.

The learners were conferred a certificate for their online learning programs at the ceremony. The success of such Chinese Bridge programs is regarded as an important facilitation to international transmission of Chinese culture and civilizations. According to the survey, 91 percent of learners believed the program was quite effective, 95.6 percent of them stated that the courses were of a great variety and 97.8 percent of them deemed them quite interesting. Moreover, 100 percent of them expressed that such programs strengthened their understandings of China and particularly, Shanghai.