SHNU Founds Human Civilization Exchange Research Center

28 Dec 2023

Sponsored by SHNU, Shanghai Federation of Social Sciences and Shanghai Century Publishing Group, the SHNU Human Civilization Exchange and Mutual Learning Research Center was founded at SHNU Eastern Campus on December 25th. The center is established to promote the regional and national research, accentuating the integrity of human destiny from the angles of human heritage and strengthening the arrangements, publishing, and transmission of relevant research. The Center-founding ceremony was attended by SHNU Party Secretary Lin Zaiyong, and representatives from Shanghai Federation of Social Sciences, Shanghai Century Publishing Group and Shanghai International Studies University.

The first program launched after the founding of the center is the collaboration with Century Publishing Group to compile “World Five Thousand Years (New Era Edition)”. The 'World Five Thousand Years' series is a milestone work in the popularization of historical literature in our country, providing several generations with a window to experience history, understand civilization, and gain knowledge about the world over the past forty years. It depicts the world’s stories and releases the general scenes of multilateral coexistence and fusion of human civilizations by narrating from the angles of Chinese scholars. It has been listed in the publishing plan of Large Rainbow Bridge by Shanghai Century Publishing Group.

Another scheme of the center is to initiate the annual program of “Guangqi Writing Contest----the Stories of Civilization” event. The contest aims to gather diverse cross-cultural experiences and listen to more voices of civilization exchange and mutual leaning through stories as a medium, strengthening the emotional bond of human community with shared destiny. The writing contest falls into two groups: that for Chinese youths and for overseas students.