Senior Forum of English Teaching Majors Held at SHNU

28 Dec 2023

Sponsored by SHNU College of Foreign Languages and East China Normal University Press, the Senior Forum on Cultivating English Teaching Majors by Teacher’s Universities and Preliminary Education was held at SHNU Conference Center. More than 80 experts from multiple well-known normal colleges and universities, as well as the principals of basic education schools, English teaching researchers, famous teachers and front-line teachers in the city, attended the forum. In addition, more than 3,000 scholars, teachers and students from all over the country watched the live broadcast through the Official Account of East China Normal University Press.

Discussions centered on the accreditation preparation, teachers’ career development and teachers’ core qualities improvement. In the afternoon, branch forums were held. The participants forward highly operable opinions and suggestions on the teaching majors’ innovative expertise and the integration training of English teachers in pre-service and initial stage.

The success of the forum marks a deeper perception of reforms and development of English majors in future universities.