2024 International Students’ New Year Celebrations Held

03 Jan 2024

The 2024 International Students’ New Year Celebrations were held at Jiaoyuanlou Building at eastern Xuhui Campus on December 29th. It was attended by SHNU President Yuan Wen, Vice SHNU Party Secretary Yang Haiyan, Vice SHNU Party Secretary and Vice President Zhu Huijun, SHNU Vice President Jiang Mingjun, and other representatives from different colleges and departments.

In her New Year's message, President Yuan praised the many honors international students have won for the university in the past year. For example, the first prize of the International Students group in the 5th Reading China Shanghai Competition, the runner-up of women's Singles in the Foreign Friends Table Tennis Competition, etc. She encouraged the students to actively integrate into Shanghai culture and Chinese culture, and pass on the happiness of unity, development, inclusiveness and sharing to everyone around them.

The party started with a dancing series “Would You Dance”, performed by those from Russia, Mozambique, Bangladesh, the Republic of Tajikistan and Mongolia. It also involved duet singing and modern dancing imbued with affections and vigour, heeled by Indonesian traditional dances Laskar Pelangi and Tarif Ratoh Jaroe.

The international students from SHNU also staged Chinese Taiji and martial arts, as well as situation comedies alluring the audience to split their sides with laughter by Chinese wisecracks.

The celebrations ended by a cooperative show from over 50 international students donning their own folk costumes in the ambience of merriness and happiness.