The SHNU History Museum Renovated to Welcome First Batch of Audiences

06 Mar 2024

On the afternoon of March 1st, the renovated and reopened SHNU History Museum welcomed the first batch of visitors. More than 80 students from Jiading Middle School Affiliated to Shanghai Normal University experiences the 70-year-long history of the university. A large number of historical photos, artifacts, videos, and interactive devices allow students to further understand the unique talent cultivation philosophy and campus cultural life, thereby providing more positive inspiration and motivation for future planning and growth.

As one of the most important venues for the 70th anniversary ceremony of Shanghai Normal University, the SHNU History Museum began to close for renovation during the second half of last year. With the cooperation of various departments, the main hall and back hall were upgraded while maintaining the original appearance. Large LED screens and multiple picture frame screens have been added, fully utilizing information technology and modern exhibition techniques to create an immersive exhibition atmosphere, offering the audience a brand new experience.

Since its establishment in 2004, every year, the museum has provided education opportunities to new faculty and students, and has made positive efforts in providing patriotic education, showcasing and inheriting teacher education in New China, especially for young audiences.

In the future, the SHNU History Museum will further strengthen cooperation with various colleges and departments while maintaining its role as a treasure trove of historical materials in ideological and political education.