SHNU Held a Lecture on Improving Teachers’ Abilities of Education Innovation

14 Mar 2024

To enhance the teaching ability of teachers, promote classroom teaching reform, innovate teaching methods, deepen the integration and innovative development of information technology, the Human Resources Department and the Academic Affairs Office jointly organized a lecture on "Teachers Life Cycle Growth Assistance Project - Teacher Teaching Ability Enhancement and Teaching Innovation" was held on March 8th. Sha Feng, Associate Professor  from East China University of Science and Technology and winner of Pujiang Scholar Award, was invited to deliver a presentation for more than 40 teachers at SHNU.

Professor Sha focused on "using cognitive logic as the core, and information technology as the driving force, and collaborative" four step method "to create a new experience of ideological and political education in the curriculum". Apart from the content of course significance, course objectives and case examples, he elaborated on how to bring students a brand new ideological and political experience, and improve their comprehensive quality and thinking ability.