SHNU College of Preschool Education Visits TAL Education Group

15 Mar 2024

To strengthen job opportunities of SHNU graduates and promotes accuracy of niche-finding, a team led by SHNU College of Preschool Education visited TAL ( Tomorrow Advancing Life) Education Group in Xuhui District of Shanghai.  

The SHNU visitors were shown around the office area, research rooms, classrooms and live-stream rooms to develop a better understanding of the structures and business domains of the giant education corporation, as well as experiencing its positive and lively working environment.

Both sides probed on the talent needs, corporate culture, promotion mechanism and cooperative chances so as to pave the solid foundation for a more accurate connection between talents and job vacancies. The students also inquired about financial treatment, development routes and employment processes from TAL.

This marked another initiative that SHNU has marched towards expanding more job channels and establishing a more positive platform for both graduates and corporations.