Academicians of the American NAE Visits SHNU

26 Mar 2024

On the morning of March 20th, SHNU Vice Principal Li Ye met with Bruce Rittmann, a visiting member of the American National Academy of Engineering(NAE),  and also a professor of Arizona State University at Shanghai Normal University (SHNU). The univeristy staffs from the SHNU International Exchange Office and the SHNU School of Environment and Geographic Sciences attended the meeting.

Li Ye welcomed Professor Rittmann and his team on behalf of SHNU, and briefly introduced about university development, external exchanges, and discipline construction. Over the past 20 years, Professor Rittmann has collaborated with SHNU teachers to publish over 50 international papers, thus pushing the universitys academic ranking to reach the top 10% of global ESI. More cooperative opportunities will be expected at such disciplines in a high-quality manner, as well as promoting teacher visits and student exchanges between the two schools in related fields.

Professor Bruce Rittmann is an outstanding member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, a member of the International Water Association, a scientist of sustainable development at Arizona State University, an academician of the National Academy of Engineering, and a member of the American Association for Scientific Development. He has published approximately 700 high-level journals and conference papers internationally. Professor Rittmann was awarded the 2020 Shanghai International Science and Technology Cooperation Award and was the only recipient of the award in Shanghai during that year. At present, the school has collaborated with two other universities to nominate Rittmann for the 2023 International Cooperation Award of China.