Chinese Ancient Poetry Concert Held

07 Apr 2024

On the evening of April 2nd, the 39th Shanghai Spring International Music Festival and Praise for the Times Shanghai Normal University(SHNU) Shanghai Spring Art Exhibition Week -- the Chinese Ancient Poetry Live Performance Concert was held at SHNU.

This concert was organized and planned by Sun Hongjie, a professor from the Music Theory Department of our School of Music and a Western music historian. He was responsible for composing the outline, writing the play lyrics, and providing voice performances. He collaborated with teachers and students from SHNU Music Theory Department, Vocal Music Department, Folk Music Department, and Music Technology Department, as well as SHNU Youth Ethnic Orchestra, Xingzhi Chorus, Dance Troupe, Silk and Bamboo Orchestra, and the Boys' Chorus from First Affiliated Primary School to Shanghai Normal University.

23 brilliant and diverse works are performed by 7 soloists - Director of our school's Art Center, Associate Professor Yin Weijie (tenor) from the Vocal Department of the School of Music, Associate Professor Zhou Yanyan (soprano) from the Vocal Department, Young Teachers Song Gang (baritone), Li Min (soprano), Wang Ruoyi (soprano), Young Teacher Sun Cheng (baritone) from the Music Theory Department, and Hu Xiaoming (tenor) from the Vocal Opera Department of Shanghai Conservatory of Music

The success of the concert marks another chance for SHNU to demonstrate her cultural confidence and charisma.