Wang Peiyu's Drama Education Talent Incubation Studio Founded at SHNU

12 Apr 2024

On the morning of April 11th, the Unveiling Ceremony of the Wang Peiyu Opera Education Talent Incubation Studio, a cultural and educational integration project of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, was held at SHNU. It was attended by SHNU President Yuan Wen, and representatives from the SHNU Basic Education Department, SHNU Human Resources Department, SHNU Art Center, SHNU Film and Television Media College, etc.

As a form of Chinese opera, the art of Peking Opera marks the inheritance of Chinese traditional culture. Also as a part of the cultural and educational integration project of the Shnaghai Municipal Education Commission, Wang Peiyu Opera Education Talent Incubation Studio,  effectively changes the current situations of opera education in universities and basic education fields, initiates the laws and characteristics of aesthetic education, and educates students with visionary drama cultures.

Mr. Zhu Hengfu, Chairman of the Academic Committee of SHNU, highly praised the establishment of the Wang Peiyu Opera Education Talent Incubation Studio in his speech.He stated that Wang Peiyu is an outstanding veteran of the Yu School with exceptional personal artistic achievements and years of practical experience in popularizing Peking Opera art on the front line.

After the unveiling ceremony, Wang Peiyu held a lecture for the teachers and students present. She shared her long-standing experience and philosophy as a performer and avant-garde of Peking Opera.