SHNU Sponsors Seminar on Modern STEM Education for Collaborative Innovation

22 Apr 2024

On April 20th, the Modern STEM Education Collaborative Innovation Academic Seminar was held at the UNESCO Teacher Education Center, located at SHNU. Professor Yuan Wen, SHNU President, served as the chairman of the conference, Jiang Changjun, an academician of the CAE(Chinese Academy of Engineering) member, a lecture professor of Tongji University, and a member of the Chinese Computer Society, Sang Biao, the president of the Shanghai Academy of Educational Sciences, and representatives of scholars from various departments and units in China, as well as presidents and key teachers from the basic education division attended the conference.

At the seminar, the four experts gave keynote speeches both online and offline. Professor Jiang Changjun, an academician of the CAE Member, delivered a keynote report entitled Training of Top Computing Talents in the Digital Age. He pointed out that in the context of the new era, cultivating top computer talents should focus on integration of interdisciplinary advantages, and precise training.

Two parallel forums were held: STEM Education Development Exploration and STEM Education Practice on Merging Education and Production, centering around the theories and practices respectively.