SHNU Held the first Haitang Literature Festival Awarding Ceremony

07 May 2024

On April 27th, the awarding ceremony and literary forum of the 1st Haitang Literature Festival of Shanghai Normal University (SHNU) were held at the lecture hall on the second floor of the library on Fengxian Campus. As one of the 70th anniversary celebration series of SHNU, this event is hosted by the SHNU School of Humanities, and includes two parts: the award ceremony of the Haitang Literature Festival and the literary forum.  The chairman of the judging committee for the first Haitang Literature Festival competition at SHNU was Qian Wenliang, a professor, poet, and poetry critic from the School of Literature at Shanghai University. Famous writer and critic Zhao Song, famous literary and historical writer Zhang Xiangrong, and associate professor He Mingmin from the SHNU School of Humanities served as members of the judging committee.

A total of 8 students entered for the finals of the Haitang Literature Festival. Each student has 5 minutes to present their defense statement. After the speech, the jury conducted a professional analysis and evaluation of their works, and finally announced the list of winners for the first and second prizes of the first Haitang Literature Festival.

After the award ceremony, the chairman and members of the judging committee of this literary festival gave comments on all the entries. He believes that novel creators should have their own ideas to make their works full of innovative reflections. In the process of writing a novel, attention should be paid to the control of language state and language sensitivity, and flexible use of spatial narrative, scene narrative and other methods should be made to improve the completeness of the novel.

Finally, Professor Qian Wenliang gave a review and academic summary of all the participating poetry works. He pointed out that the creation of poetry is to provide stable and reliable ways of thinking for society. In response to the problems of oversimplification and insufficient completeness in some works, he believes that scholars should feel the slowness of poetry based on social experience, life perception, life imagination, life existence, and life process.

The ceremony of the the 1st SHNU Haitang Literary Forum wound up in success.