Shanghai Global Urban Research Institute Selected as One of Key Think Tanks in Shanghai

18 Jun 2024

Zhao Jiaming, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, attended and delivered a speech.

At the meeting, a ceremony was held to award Shanghai Key Think Tanks and Shanghai Key Cultivated Think Tanks. The Shanghai Global Urban Research Institute was evaluated as excellent during the first batch of Shanghai Key Think Tank construction pilot cycles and was successfully selected as a new batch of Shanghai Key Think Tanks. And an appointment letter was issued to the first batch of scientific researchers selected as young leading talents in Shanghai think tanks, and a candidate from SHNU was awarded this title.

It is agreed at the conference that the functions of think tanks in terms of political advice, theoretical innovation, public opinion guidance, social services, public diplomacy have steadily improved. The decision-making consulting and support role in serving national strategy has become increasingly prominent.

The meeting emphasized that think tanks and experts and scholars throughout the city should have a firm sense of responsibility and profound professional insights, launch more ideological, scientific, forward-looking, and constructive research results, provide stronger theoretical and intellectual support, and strive to build a elite force to serve the society.