SHNU Project Selected as Case of China Africa Higher Education Cooperation in the China Africa UNESCO Dialogue on Education and Cultural Heritage Protection Cooperation

13 Sep 2024

On September 6th, the China Africa UNESCO Dialogue on Education and Cultural Heritage Protection Cooperation was held in Beijing. Ding Xuexiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. 460 officials from Chinese and African governments, leaders of universities and vocational colleges, experts and scholars, and representatives of international organizations attended the meeting. The SHNU Teacher Education Center is invited to the conference.

This high-level dialogue conference will feature two themed dialogue activities, focusing on education cooperation and cultural heritage protection. The Spread of Shanghai Mathematics in Tanzania project of the United Nations Teacher Education Center located in our school has been selected as an excellent case study of non higher education cooperation and included as a representative project in the promotional video of China Africa education cooperation achievements.

One of the core concerns for China and Africa to expand and deepen education cooperation is to accelerate the implementation of the global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of Education, strengthen digital education exchanges, carry out teacher training, and promote modernization of education in Africa. As a second-class institution of UNESCO, the SHNU Teacher Education Center will use the Tanzania project as a basis to explore diverse cooperation models and better serve to enhance teachers education expertise worldwide.