Arts Show Cosponsored by SHNU College of Fine Arts and UCM

31 Oct 2018

The SHNU College of Fine Arts and UCM-Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) cosponsored to hold an arts show to promote the exchanges of eastern and western cultures and arts. It was attended by SHNU Vice President Jiang Mingjun, Dean of UCM College of Fine Arts, Chairman of Spanish CCACO Sino-western Cultural Arts Exchange Center, among other teachers and students representatives.


The show includes 53 works (34 from Spanish teachers and 19 from Chinese teachers), in forms of painting, photography and statues. It would last from October 30th till November 9th.

Founded in 1499, the UCM boasts one of the largest universities in Spain with a top-ranking reputation. The Fine Arts College of UCM is formerly the Royal Fine Arts Academy of Spain.