SHNU Establishes International Exchanges with Overseas Countries

19 Nov 2018

Since last November, a series of overseas universities and education groups have visited SHNU and tried to explore new cooperation opportunities with SHNU.

On November 14th, SHNU representative visited Kyungpook National University of South Korea and discussed students exchange program which might kick off next year.

On November 13th, visitors from MARA University of Technology in Malaysia arrived at SHNU and delivered academic reports on Malaysian Tourism and Sustainable Tourism of Shanghai Chongming Island.

On November 13th, a team of Macau students and their parents led by Macau Education Bureau visited SHNU and accessed information about Macau students’ academic life at SHNU, as well as admission policies and entrance examination situations.

Also, on November 8th, visitors also included groups from the Philippines Higher Education Group which probed chances of international cooperation with SHNU.