New Round of England-Shanghai Teacher Exchange Program Initiated

28 Nov 2018

The 3rd round of England-Shanghai Math Teachers Exchange Programs were started at SHNU Conference Center on November 26th. It was attended by Paul Kett, representative from Ministry of Education of the UK, Li Yongzhi, Vice Director from Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, and about 86 primary and middle school math teachers from the UK


SHNU President Zhu Ziqiang welcomed teachers from the UK and hoped that they could exchange more with math teachers of Shanghai middle and primary schools.

The Sino-British Teacher Exchange Program, initiated since 2014, has fulfilled a win-win situation and provided more feasibility for education cooperation.

So far, 548 teachers have been sent for this program. During the exchange period, about 12, 000 British teachers swarmed into classrooms in the England for auditing.

This time, 86 British teachers would visit 62 Shanghai schools over an-eight day period. Also, 86 Shanghai teachers would be bound for 43 British schools within 14 days on January 2019.