Scholarship-Awarding Ceremony of Edinburgh Napier University Held at SHNU

26 Mar 2019

On March 21st, Andrea Nolan, President of Edinburgh Napier University (ENU), visited SHNU and was received by SHNU President Zhu Ziqiang. The visitors also include Joe Zhou, director of ENU Department of International Affairs, and Carina Liao, Director of ENU Chinese Affairs.

The SHNU President Zhu introduced about the latest development of SHNU in terms of disciplines construction, talents cultivation, high-end scientific and research results and international cooperation programs. Both sides discussed the possibilities of promoting cooperation in postgraduates’ exchanges and alumni association.

On that same day, the Scholarship Awarding Ceremony was also held at Fengxian Library and Information Center. At the ceremony, a junior student of civil engineering major won the 5, 000 British Pounds with a trophy and a certificate.

After that, Nolan, the ENU President answered students’ questions by videos and speech, and also interacted with the students to enhance their understanding of Edinburgh.