Liverpool John Moores University President Visits SHNU

06 May 2019

On April 30th, Mark Power, President of Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU), paid an official visit to SHNU on April 30th. The visitors also included Edward Harcourt and Vice President of LJMU. They were received by SHNU Party Secretary Teng Jianyong, SHNU Vice President Jiang Mingjun, and representatives from SHNU Xiejin Film and TV Arts College, SHNU College of Physical Education, SHNU College of Humanities and Communication, SHNU College of Fine Arts and SHNU Department of International Affairs.


SHNU President Teng Jianyong expressed warm welcome towards the Power team and thanked LJMU for its efforts to promoting the education cooperation and the role of LJMU in Better Futures Local University League. Mark Power also thanked SHNU for support of British Student’ exchange program in China.

Both sides have reached agreement on teacher exchange visits, students’ long-term and short-term learning tour and the development of Chinese Studies Center of LJMU, as well as the further cooperation in relevant fields.