On Sending SHNU Teachers to American Universities

23 Apr 2009

    At the request of Ramapo College (RC) and Wyoming University (WU) of the U.S., SHNU plans to send
two teachers to the two universities. The details are as follows:
1. Requirements:
• Full-time teacher of SHNU;
• With English-teaching ability and experience in class-teaching, curriculum arrangement and teaching
• Able to teach basic Chinese courses (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and Chinese culture;
• Healthy, honest and open-minded in character, with qualified social and communicative ability.
2. Time span: 9 to 10 months in RC and a year in UW. Teachers chosen would leave for the U.S. at the
end of August this year.
3. Treatment: in accordance with the SHNU document on working abroad.
    Those who are interested please visit the website of Human Resources Department, download the
application form and submit it to Room 401 of the Executive building before April 25. Applicants are also
required to send their resumes in both Chinese and English to yingc@shnu.edu.cn.
(Edited by Jessica)