Japan Takushoku University Exchanges with SHNU for Academic Activities

17 Sep 2019

In order to expand students’ international vision and strengthen their cooperative skills of intercultural communications, SHNU College of Philosophy and Political Sciences start academic exchanges of PBL (Project Based Learning) with visitors from Japan Takushoku University (JTU) during the period of September 4th to September 7th.


The JTU professor led a team of 20 students and started a three-day field survey with 8 students from SHNU College of Philosophy and Political Sciences in Shanghai. They carried out their surveys centering around brainstorming and composing business plans in terms of Sino-Japanese cultural differences and urban space based on the internet.

The program not only increases students’ academic exchange opportunities, but also promotes understandings of students from the two countries, thus creating a win-win by enhancing their perceptions of the world.