On the Application for the 2012 Research Projects of National Soft Science

01 Nov 2011

To SHNU Colleges and Departments:

The application work for the 2012 Research Projects of National Soft Science has started. Relevant colleges and departments can now start the organization and preparation work. More details can be obtained from http://www.most.cn/tztg/201110/t20111024_90414.htm.

Those who are interested can contact SHNU Department of Science and Technology for a login name and password and send all the personal information needed to deping@shnu.edu.cn. Personal information includes: name, gender, birthday, cell-phone number, e-mail and professional title.

Applicants should abide by the SHNU Moral Norms of Academic Study and hand in the application materials in quintuplicate to Science and Technology Department prior to 4:00 p.m. on November 25.

Contact Person: Huang Deping
Tel: 086-21-64322385

Department of Science and Technology
                          November 28, 2011

(Translated by Chen Jiao)