Sino-foreign Student Exchange Programs (No.9, 2013)

29 Sep 2013

1.       Program of The Study Abroad Foundation (SAF) – Exchange Program of Overseas Elite Universities
Time: 2014-2015
(1)SHNU sophomores or above
(2)English ability and academic scores meeting the requirements of overseas universities
(3)Good physical and mental health
(4)Able to afford the fees during study in the U.S.
2. Program of The Study Abroad Foundation (SAF) – Exchange Program during the Holidays
Time: Winter or Summer Vacation of 2014
(1)Full-time students of SHNU
(2)English ability and academic scores meeting the requirements of overseas universities
(3)Good physical and mental health
(4)Able to afford the fees during study in the U.S.
International Exchange Division
                         September 22, 2013