On the Application for the 2014 State Social Sciences Fund Projects

23 Dec 2013

To all SHNU Departments and Colleges:

The application for the 2014 State Social Sciences Fund (SSF) Projects has now started. The SSF projects cover 23 disciplines and the funds for a key project would be RMB 40,000 Yuan, and the funds for a general and youth project would be RMB 20,000 Yuan.

The length for a basic theory research is 3 to 5 years and for a policy research, 2 to 3 years.
The application-related materials are available at the official website of National Natural Science Foundation: http://www.npopss-cn.gov.cn.

If there is any question in your application process, please contact Xu Songru with the Department of Science and Technology. The telephone number is 86-021-64321529.
The deadline for the application is February 13, 2014.

        Department of Social Sciences
December 16