Photographic and Video Works Collection for 60th Anniversary of SHNU

27 Feb 2014

SHNU: There will be a collection of photographs and audios creations to celebrate the 60th anniversary of SHNU this year. The theme would be the beautiful scenery and humanity atmosphere of SHNU. The candidates could create works that present the study, work and life in SHNU to encourage more teachers, students and alumni to pride on the university.
All teachers, students, alumni and retirees could take part in the collection. For creative photos and old photos,, JPG should be required, together with no less than 2M. A title and a description of not more than 150 words are also demanded.
For original video works, the form could vary from dramas, documentaries, TV essays and cartoon shows. The length should be within 5 minutes with a title and a description of not more than 150 words.
The deadline shall be May 30th. The award money for videos shall be RMB 5, 000 Yuan, 3, 000 Yuan and 1,000 Yuan for first, second and third prizes respectively; the bonus for photos shall be RMB 1,000 Yuan, 500Yuan and 300 Yuan for different prizes.
Deliver to Rm. 801, Administrative Building on Xuhui campus or Rm. 205 on Fengxian campus.
Contact Mr. Zhang on Xuhui for 0086-021-64322620 or Mrs. Wang on Fengxian for 0086-021-57123268.