On the Application for the 2014 Meiji Prize in Life Sciences Award

09 Oct 2014

To SHNU faculties and students:
    The application work for the 2014 Meiji Life and Science Award has now begun.
1.About the award: The yearly Meiji Prize in Life Sciences Award aims to improve the development of researches about life and food science in Shanghai, and to cultivate a new generation of academic leaders and outstanding management personnel.          
2.Bonus: RMB 10,000 for each of the 3 people who has won the outstanding award
          RMB 5,000 for each of the 7 people who has won the excellent award
          RMB 3,000 for each of the 15 people who has won the scientific award
3.Participants: outstanding personnel in research, teaching and management, postgraduate in the field of life or food sciences.
4.More information about the application and requirement can be found at the website of  www.chgc.sh.cn
5.Materials needed:
     1) Recommendation Form: please download the form at the download center of www.chgc.sh.cn 
     2) Proof documents: papers as the first author or corresponding author (less than 5); copies of relevant proof documents; other materials that can prove the achievement of applicants.
6.Deadline: All the completed application forms should be handed in before 17:00, October 10th, 2014.

Contact: Xiao Yanran
Phone: 0086-021-64324183 
E-mail: xiaoyanran@shnu.edu.cn

The Department of Science and Technology
Septemebr 25, 2014