On the 2015 Photo Contest of SHNU

17 Apr 2015

A photo contest among all the SHNU teachers and students will be held from April 15 to September 10 to record the campus life, scenery, emotions and to snap moments of new findings.   
The contest will receive photos of four categories: figures, scenery, perspective, and ready shot. Those who take part in the contest will should fill in one of the attached forms according to their status and send the pictures to shot2015@shnu.edu.cn before September 10. For more details, please visit http://www.shnu.edu.cn/Default.aspx?tabid=15083&ctl=Details&mid=35700&ItemID=157488&SkinSrc=[L]Skins/shnu_detail_indexpage_20140610/shnu_detail_indexpage_20140610&language=zh-CN.
Department of Public Communication
Labor Union
SHNU Committee of Communist Youth League
Informatization Office
April 15, 2015