SHNU’s Cultivation of Disney Talents Reported by News Media of Shanghai

25 Nov 2009

    In late October, Shanghai won state approval to build a Disneyland in the Pudong New Area,
paving the way for the entry of the United States entertainment giant into a metropolis of China
’s mainland, which will provide a huge boost to the city’s economy.
   Upon the announcement of the news, journalists from various news media of Shanghai rushed to
SHNU—as the university has started the program of sending students to the U.S. for internship
as early as in 2006.
    According to the Disney internship interview that has just finished, 137 SHNU students will go
to Disneyland for internship next year. ‘We sent students abroad to learn more about the world
before, and now we are trying to cultivate talents geared to the management of the amusement
park’, said a SHNU official.
    The media included Wenhui Daily, Xinmin Evening News, Youth Daily, Xinhua News Agency, SMG, etc, and over 10 websites reported the perspective move of SHNU.
(Edited by Jessica)