Agreement on Academic Exchanges Signed with NPUE

27 Nov 2009

    SHNU: At the invitation of Professor Liu Qingzhong, President of Taiwan National Pingtung University of Education (NPUIE), a SHNU delegation headed by its Vice President Lu Jianfei paid a visit to NPUIE on November 23.
    The SHNU delegation received a warm welcome from the host. The two sides swapped ideas on such aspects as executive administration, features of different colleges, etc. The future cooperation and exchanges between the two include conducting programs of teacher and student exchange and jointly holding academic symposiums.
    NPUE is located in Pingtung, the county seat of the southernmost of Taiwan's 19 counties in southern Taiwan. Its interscholastic relationship with SHNU started in 2001, and the two universities have been in close contact since then.
(Edited by Jessica)