Two Interscholastic Cooperation Agreements Signed with Hiroshima University

31 Dec 2009

    SHNU: On December 26, a Japanese delegation of 7 headed by Prof. Toshimasa Asahara,
President of Hiroshima University (HU), paid a visit to SHNU. The two sides signed an
attached agreement of interscholastic exchange as well as an agreement to establish an
SHNU-HU culture and education research center.
    SHNU Vice President Lu Jianfei and heads of relevant departments and colleges received the
delegation. Also present were Lin Zuoping, Vice Secretary General of China Association for
International Exchange.
    After signing the agreements, the Japanese guests visited the International Students Center
of SHNU. “We also want to build such a center for international students of our
university,” said Prof. Toshimasa Asahara who was deeply impressed by the center.
   On the afternoon of December 27, the HU Alumni Association in Shanghai was founded in
SHNU. Toshimasa Asahara and Lu Jianfei attended the founding ceremony.
(Edited by Jessica)