Memorandum Signed with Study Abroad Foundation

31 Dec 2009

SHNU: The other day, a memorandum was signed between SAF and SHNU to encourage more
students to study abroad and promote the internationalization of SHNU.
    As early as 2007SHNU has started its cooperative relationship with SAF, through which it
offers opportunities for students to study in nearly 50 world-renowned universities abroad
for a semester or a year.
   Among the SHNU applicants for 2010 SAF program, 3 students will be granted a scholarship
of $2000. 
    The SAF concept is firmly based on the value of universities working together in a
multilateral network to increase opportunities for undergraduate study abroad. Member
universities work with SAF to share resources and to develop the specialized knowledge and
skills necessary for study abroad to be a strong part of their internationalization process.
    An important objective is to enable university partners to effectively and
professionally respond to increased demand for study abroad opportunities by their
(Edited by Jessica)