2nd Round of Chinese Language Classes Winds up in Botswana

01 Mar 2010

SHNU: Co-sponsored by High-tech Industrialization Association and SHNU, a symposium on Photocatalysis Technology and Application was held in SHNU from January 22 to 23.
    SHNU Vice President Li Hexing delivered a welcome speech at the ceremony. He also made a report entitled Research into New Design of Photocatalysis and Degradation of Pollutants. Scholars and expert from famous universities, research institutes and researchers of photocatalysis technology-related enterprises gathered in the university to discuss relevant topics.
    The environmental issues attract increasing attention as the social economy develops. For recent years, based on their disciplinary advantages, SHNU researchers have conducted a lot of scientific researches on how to use photocatalysis technology to deal with chemical pollution. They have achieved much on the making and application technology of many new types of photocatalysis.