SHNU College of Education Exchanges with Institute of Education, University of London

26 Mar 2010

SHNU: Dr. Wu Yanbo, Vice President of San Francisco State University (SFSU) paid a visit to SHNU and signed a memorandum of interscholastic cooperation with the university. 

    SHNU Vice President Lu Jianfei and relevant staff from Xie Jin Film and Television Art College, College of Fine Arts and International Exchange Division were present. 

    Wu made a general introduction of his university, hoping further cooperation could be enforced  between the two sides. Lu introduced the concept, measures and achievements of SHNU in international exchanges and cooperation. He said SHNU warmly welcomed  all kinds of teacher and student exchanges with SFSU. In the afternoon, Wu visited Xie Jin Film and Television Art College with the company of relevant staff.

    More detailed information of SFSU can be found at its official website .