Expert of Kew Gardens lectures on The Millennium Seed Bank Project and Shanghai Expo

11 May 2010

     SHNU: The creative idea of “Seeds”of the UK Pavilion has attracted a lot of spectators, but less known is that these seeds are provided by the Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
    On May 6, Dr. Wolfgang Stuppy, seed morphologist of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew of the UK, was invited to deliver a lecture on the Xuesihu Overseas Master’s Forum of SHNU. The lecture was entitled The Millennium Seed Bank Project and the Shanghai World Expo 2010.
    SHNU Vice President Lu Jianfei attended the lecture and issued a commemorative medal and a souvenir to him.   
    The following is an official introduction of the UK Pavilion at:  

  Themed "Building on the Past, Shaping our future", the 6000-square-meter UK pavilion is also known as the "Seed Cathedral" and the area around it is designed like a wrapping paper, making it seem as if the wrappers have fallen open to reveal a sparkling jewel of life. Visitors can relax around the open space or enter the "Seed Cathedral" to admire the seeds in the spines, marveling how such tiny seeds can produce wonders of nature and life. The UK pavilion hopes to raise awareness for the Millennium Seed Bank Project, an international conservation project launched by the Royal Botanic Gardens in 2000.

   For more details please visit[L]Skins/xinwen1/xinwen1