Closing Ceremony Held for the Irish Culture Month

17 May 2010

    SHNU: John Lynam, Vice Consul of Irish Consulate in Shanghai, together with his wife, attended the closing ceremony of Irish Culture Month of SHNU on May 12. Also present were relevant leaders and staff from International Exchange Division and Foreign Languages College of SHNU.
    In his speech, Mr. Lynam expressed his gratitude towards the invitation and reception of FLC and appreciation for the students’ persistent endeavor in promoting Sino-Irish cultural exchanges. John believed that this festival would not only enlighten the participants in their research of Irish literature, but also help strengthen the cooperation and friendship between Shanghai Normal University and Irish Consulate.
    Following the speech, the audience was fascinated by the students’ award-winning recitation of an Irish poem, some dramas and dramatizations of Irish novels and poems.

    Irish Culture Month is an annual festival of FLC aiming at introducing and promoting Irish Culture among university students. It covers a wide range of topics including history, customs, literature, music, drama, etc. of Ireland. Reciprocally, it serves as a platform for students to share their understanding of Irish Culture.

    For more details, please visit[L]Skins/xinwen1/xinwen1

(Reporter:Dong Shijia)