Vice Mayor of Amsterdam Signs Cooperation Memorandum with SHNU

21 May 2010

SHNU: On May 19th, Gerson, Vice Mayor of Amsterdam, Netherlands, attended the 2010 Development Seminar of Amsterdam Tourism Industry in SHNU.

Sponsored by SHNU Sino-European Comparative Urban Research Center, the meeting was joined by Director of Amsterdam Tourism and Convention Development Bureau, Dean of Economic College of INHolland University of Applied Science, and SHNU president and vice presidents.

SHNU, Amsterdam Tourism and Convention Development Bureau, and Economic College of INHolland University of Applied Science cut a deal for a cooperative memorandum concerning studying urban tourism and activities.

Proposals were also made by the attendees as regards the ways to promote the tourism industry of both Shanghai and Amsterdam, particularly in the backdrop of the 2010 Shanghai world expo.[L]Skins/shangshida1_4/shangshida1_4