Sino-British Math Teachers Exchange Program Initiated at SHNU

15 Nov 2019

The Opening Ceremony of Sino-British Math Teachers Exchange Program was held at SHNU on November 11th, and attracted about 107 math teachers from primary and middle schools to attend the ceremony. It was also attended by Andrew McCully, Director of Preliminary Education Department of Ministry of Education in the UK, Vice Director of International Exchange Center of Ministry of Education, and Vice Director of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, etc.


The participants also visited Shanghai Experimental Primary School and audited the class of geometry practices, which won the unanimous acclaim and served as a touchstone for the Shanghai math education to enter British classrooms.



This marks the 6th time that the program of its kind has been carried out. In the next days, the British teachers would attend professional training at SHNU and enter classrooms at 9 districts of Shanghai. By February 2020, 70 primary school math teachers and 24 middle school counterparts would start a two-week exchange program at middle and primary schools in England.