Marine----French Girl in Shanghai Normail University

04 Dec 2013

Hullo. Okay, glad to receive an interview while having a hamburger. (Smile)
My name is MARINE, and that is my French first name. I am now an exchange student on a short-term program of Shanghai Normal University School of Finance. I come from Paris and I am a would-be graduate student of law majors from Paris 11 South University. I have been exchanged to SHNU since 3 months ago. This program would end next June after a few months’ internship in Chinese law firms or other foreign companies.
Speaking of Shanghai Normal University, I feel that this university is much bigger than my one in France. There are many more students in this university. The classes that I am now attending are not mixed ones, so we would not meet Chinese friends, which is a big problem for us to merge with Chinese people and life here. Our teachers here all speak English during classes. Right now I just speak a little bit of Chinese.
I love best Chinese local foods, and those small eateries outside the campus are my haunts, although now I hold a western hamburger in hand. I live in a rent dorm with my classmates outside campus in Xujiahui. In spare time, I go to clubs for parties. I enjoy my life in Shanghai actually.