Students of SHNU and CSUN Co-show at Expo Pavilion

01 Jun 2010

      SHNU: At the invitation of the US Embassy in Shanghai and American Pavilion of Expo, students from SHNU’s Xiejin Film and Arts College and those from CSNU (California State University, Northridge) presented shows at the Expo square on May 24th to 27th.
      Local features are intertwined with the arts unique in the two countries, with a Jazz song You got a friend in me extending every detail of the fond friendship of SHNU and CSUN over the last 6 years in terms of cooperation and exchanges in various professions and realms.
      Martial arts and songs series were presented, as well as the popular Chinese songs emanating the rich and multi-dimensional cultures of both China and the US.[L]Skins/xinwen1/xinwen1