SHNU Volunteers Succeed in Serving Pilot Operation of Expo

28 Apr 2010

      SHNU: 8 days before the opening of 2010 Shanghai World Expo, 652 SHNU volunteers served 12 hours for the pilot operation of the pavilion area. The all-inclusive mechanism in terms of transportation, logistics and volunteers’ shift has been laid down to ensure the success of the expo trial run.
      Set out on the morning of April 23, the SHNU volunteers dressed in uniforms for Area AB and Area C, service regions south of Huangpu River. The students were grouped to serve respectively the expo activities, pavilions, assistance, business operations and transportation.
      The volunteers surmounted all the difficulties during the peak hour of 10 a.m. with their coordinative skills and knowhow. Some of them outlined a brilliant landscape by directing the tourists with their patience, grace and smiles.
      All of them persisted from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.