No inconceivable is not invincible: forging our spirit to win

24 Mar 2020

Dear students,

We write to you at this critical time, one that has brought much-unwanted change to the way we work and learn together, hoping that you will be sure to protect yourself from the COVID-19 and know that Shanghai Normal University will always help and stay close to you.

We understand your disappointment and frustration about what has happened, and we share those feelings as well. We were lifted by the concerns expressed by many of you at the beginning of the pandemic and we were reassured by your strong desires to learn and cooperate with the online classes.

The rising trend and rapid spread of the coronavirus has proved to be a common enemy of mankind. Fighting the pandemic is the responsibility of the whole world. Therefore, we all need to unite and work together. The University hopes that you can observe these prudent tips:

1. Stay calm and avoid excessive panic. At present, although the epidemic is still spreading around the world, and some countries have succeeded in curbing the spread of the virus through strict measures, the number of confirmed cases dropping significantly. Thereby gaining valuable experiences. Many countries now have also taken action and believe that they will soon control the spread. We believe that as long as all people work together, we will be able to successfully fight the pandemic.

2. Stay home, protect yourself, pay attention to personal hygiene, avoid going out, wash your hands, ventilate often, avoid participating in gatherings, pay attention to reasonable schedules, and obtain local epidemic prevention information through official channels promptly. Remind family and friends to take the initiative together. Each of us is a fighter against the pandemic.

3. Resist rumors but convey the right message. During the epidemic, rumors spread faster, easier, and more dangerously than the virus does. We must adhere to the school’s motto of “Honesty, Integrity, and Truthfulness”, maintain a rational and objective attitude, reject xenophobia, and unite to overcome the pandemic.

4. Actively learn and strive to improve yourself. At present, the physical campus resumption date has not been officially confirmed. The online teaching is actively implemented in spite of the few challenges, but our teachers are working hard to fix them. We hope you all continue to make full use of the advantages of online study and strive to improve yourselves to lay a solid foundation for learning after returning to campus.

5. Timely communication. The global pandemic COVID-19 has brought us countless unknown challenges. We are all exploring ways to deal with it. Please talk to your counselor or headteacher from time to time. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the counselor or headteacher and the International Student Office. Although we may be unable to solve all problems, we are willing to work with you to brainstorm and work out solutions.

Dear students, we are a community of people with a common destiny. Let's keep watch and help each other in times like this!


Finally, we sincerely wish everybody progress in studies, good health, and safety. We are expecting to see all of you again soon on the beautiful campus of SHNU!

International Students Office, Shanghai Normal University